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China Daily:(桑百川)Growth: Expert Points to China’s Economic Resilience

发布时间: 2022年04月22日 编辑: zym

Growth: Expert Points to China’s Economic Resilience

来源: China Daily(2022-04-21)

In Asia, China is seen as a “stabilizer” in regional trade, contributing significantly to the recovery of the Asian economy, the report said.

Sang Baichuan, an economics professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, highlighted China’s faster-than-expected 4.8 percent yearon-year growth in the first quarter of 2022 despite a weakening in economic activities in March amid resurgent domestic COVID-19 cases, saying that this demonstrates the strong resilience of China’s economy.

However, he warned of the gap between first-quarter growth and China’s annual growth target of around 5.5 percent for 2022, saying that more efforts should be made to control the virus, step up macroeco nomic policy support and increase support for businesses.

Zhang Ying, president of Dassault Systemes Greater China, said the French industrial software company has seen the resilience and innovative vitality of China’s economy. “We remain firm in our confidence in the Chinese market. External changes will not affect Dassault Systemes’ investment plans in China,” he said.

“China’s economic development and continued reform and opening up will create many new opportunities for foreign companies, including Dassault Systemes. This year, Dassault Systemes hopes to deepen cooperation with more Chinese companies.”

Themed “The World in COVID-19 & Beyond: Working Together for Global Development and Shared Future”, the Boao Forum for Asia is

expected to focus on international unity and global cooperation, with a key focus on post-pandemic development as well as green,innovative, inclusive development and collaborative development.




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