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中国日报网:(UIBE特聘专家默罕默德 ?巴德里斯)中国抗击疫情的努力为世界提供借鉴

发布时间: 2020年05月06日 编辑: zym


(来源:中国日报网 2020-04-28)

3 月 26 日,二十国集团领导人应对新冠肺炎特别峰会召开,沙特为此次峰会主席国。在峰会召开之际,沙特国家国际公司前总裁、新威斯敏斯特大学董事会副主席、人文丝路智库联盟外方专家、对外经济贸易大学建设开放型经济强国的理论与实践研究协同创新中心特聘专家默罕默德 ?巴德里斯应我院邀请特发表署名文章《中国抗击疫情的努力为世界提供借鉴》4月28日中国日报网刊发了此文。 

China's fight against coronavirus gives confidence to the world

By Dr. Ahmed S. Badrais | chinadaily.com.cn | 2020-04-28


Everyone has expressed admiration for China's practical, methodical and innovative approach to controlling the coronavirus outbreak.

The performance of the Chinese government and people under their unified will to fight the new virus has received great attention and widespread praise from the international community.

Leaders of more than 160 countries and 30 international organizations have expressed their sympathy and support for China in its fight against the disease.

Experts from different circles in all countries of the world also saw that the effective and firm response measures for prevention and control taken by China demonstrate the superiority and ability of China to mobilize and regulate.

Everyone was confident that China would win the battle thanks to its efforts to combat it, which was reflected in the amazing social mobilization to stop the spread of the virus.

China's national public health emergency management system and its ability to respond to major health emergencies have had the greatest impact on controlling the virus.

It is striking that China's efforts have emerged through the establishment and delivery of many hospitals in Wuhan and other cities and their use within a short period of time, as well as through the work of medical experts, day and night, to treat the patients.

The Chinese government has made tremendous efforts to accelerate the pace of scientific research to combat the virus, prevent its spread through a series of remedial and precautionary measures, and mobilize specialized medical teams and personnel to support the city of Wuhan, the city where the first case emerged; at the same time, the Chinese government is working closely and jointly with the World Health Organization And various parties to address the virus and protect regional and global health security.

Likewise, in terms of securing medical supplies in large measure or through flights to the areas affected by the outbreak to provide medical supplies or through quarantine procedures implemented in more than one city.

This sends a clear message to the world that China is confident about winning the fight.

China's courage and ability to deal with crisis is widespread, and not many countries in the world have it.

The reason the world trusts China's victory is the strong energy that China has unleashed in its fight against the closure of Wuhan, a large city with more than 11 million permanent residents; house-to-house staff members conducting temperature tests; and building a hospital with more a thousand beds within a few days; the presence of medical teams from all parts of the country to help Hubei province; and Chinese companies, especially State-owned enterprises, guarantee the provision of materials;

Chinese engineering technology won the admiration of the world for its speed and size.

Through the Chinese government's construction of a specialized hospital to confront the virus in less than 10 days to make up for the shortage of places in Wuhan hospitals, it turns out that the capacity of the new medical facility reaches a thousand beds and contains prefabricated buildings and fast clinics, and also put all the techniques of Chinese artificial intelligence to tackle the new virus.

In fact, building such a hospital within a short period of time requires the mobilization of the required resources and the localization of employment and professional competencies in a short time.

The success of China in controlling this virus is a lesson for history that all countries of the world can benefit from, and the transfer of the Chinese experience in this field benefits all countries of the world.

This success is added to the successes of China in other fields.

And here we are now seeing how countries are racing to ask China for its help, which with all the courage China has made to help all countries of the world and the peoples of the world.

The word thank you in all the languages of the world is not enough to say to China, it is a model of excellence and assistance that is unparalleled.

Proud of China

The author is a consultant of UNCTAD, former president of Saudi Arabian International Corporation.







默罕默德 ?巴德里斯

应对新冠疫情,中国务实、有条不紊的创新方案赢得了各国人民的钦佩。国际社会对中国政府和人民团结一致、抗击疫情的意志给予高度关注和广泛赞赏。世界 160 多个国家和 30 个国际组织的领导人对中国抗疫行动表达了同情和支持。

各国不同领域的专家也认识到,中国采取的有效且坚定的防控响 应措施展示出,中国在社会动员和治理方面的制度优势和强大能力。各国人民对于中国赢得抗疫胜利充满信心。这得益于中国为防控病毒扩散付出的努力,体现在中国惊人的社会动员能力。



中国应对危机的勇气和能力是举国上下的,是许多其他国家所不具备的。世界之所以相信中国取得了抗疫胜利,是因为中国在封闭人口1100万武汉时释放了巨大能量;是因为中国能做到派人挨家挨户测量体温;是因为中国在几天内就建起了一座拥有超过 1000 个床位 的临时医院;是因为各省市医疗队积极驰援武汉;是因为中国的国有企业保障了物资供应。中国的工程技术因其速度和体量赢得了世界的钦佩。中国用了不到十天就建起了一座特种医院,应对武汉医院床位不足的问题。这所医院拥有 1000 张床位,采用了预制构件作为建筑材料,结合了多项中国人工智能领域的先进技术。事实上,在如此短的时间内建立一所医院需要快速动员必要物资,并对用工和专业技术人员进行本地化挖掘。




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