

[特稿] 多米尼克留学生克迈演绎自创“U&I BE”抒情诗

发布时间: 2013年06月25日 编辑:

【编者按】 622日,球探体育比分 2013届来华留学生毕业晚会华丽上演。几百名来华留学生毕业生及其家长亲朋盛装出席。轻快地节奏中,来自多米尼克的留学生克迈用他自创的英文抒情诗“U&I BE”,抒唱着“你我都是永远的UIBE人”的动人情怀。

U & I BE

written by Rohan Kemai John

Composed on 2013/02/27

It’s kind of hard to imagine, but I got to say goodbye

I got to release you like a teardrop from my eye

I got to join the rest, the rest of the progressive crew

I got to live my life; I got to find my shine

I can reflect on the days, the days gone by

But never again can they be regained, still, I never cry

Because I know

You are, you are, you are my baby

Yes you are, you are, you my money tree

Yes you are, you are, you are U I B E

Now I cut and paste different memories

The faces, the places, the words uttered

And many other traces of my days in UIBE

They say out of sight out of mind

But how can you be out of my mind

When you made me a center of attraction

Because you are, a center of attraction

You attract dreams and schemes

Visions and missions and a kaleidoscope of talent

You are, you are, you are my baby

Yes you are, you are, you my money tree

Yes you are, you are, you are U I B E

You’re the one that took me by the hand

Provided a path for me to build my future plan

Never easy was the journey, but smooth was the ride

And now the end is emerging, you’ll still be here as a guide

So whenever I meet old friends, I say

U & I BE, yeah U & I BE, U & I BE the UIBE family


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